The Winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest have been announced (which is run by the Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide). In total 48,000 images were submitted from 98 different countries. Paul Nicklen was also picked as the ultimate winner (top image) for his depiction of penguins underwater. The exhibition is on now at the Natural History Museum in London and will be running through to March 2013.

WINNER WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR: Paul Nicklen captured this in Antartica with a Canon 1D Mark IV and an 8-15 F/4 lens

"In a moss-draped rain forest in British Columbia, towering red cedars live a thousand years, and black bears are born with white fur." Photo by Paul Nicklen. Paul was less than a meter away from this bear when he shot this image with a Canon 1Ds Mark II and a 16-35 F/2.8 lens.

Images: Jasper Doest

Images: Larry Lynch. Larry Lynch got this shot by lining up and hitting the gator with a flash turned as low as it would go. The light reflecting off of the tapetum licidum - the same thing you find in a cat - caused the eyes to glow red. This was shot in Myakka River State Park in Florida with a Nikon D2X and a 80-400mm F/4.5 - 5.6

Image: Richard Peters

Image: Sergey Gorshkov

Image: Cristóbal Serrano

Image: Anna Henly

Image: Kim Wolhuter
WINNER WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR: Paul Nicklen captured this in Antartica with a Canon 1D Mark IV and an 8-15 F/4 lens
"In a moss-draped rain forest in British Columbia, towering red cedars live a thousand years, and black bears are born with white fur." Photo by Paul Nicklen. Paul was less than a meter away from this bear when he shot this image with a Canon 1Ds Mark II and a 16-35 F/2.8 lens.
Images: Jasper Doest
Images: Larry Lynch. Larry Lynch got this shot by lining up and hitting the gator with a flash turned as low as it would go. The light reflecting off of the tapetum licidum - the same thing you find in a cat - caused the eyes to glow red. This was shot in Myakka River State Park in Florida with a Nikon D2X and a 80-400mm F/4.5 - 5.6
Image: Richard Peters
Image: Sergey Gorshkov
Image: Cristóbal Serrano
Image: Anna Henly
Image: Kim Wolhuter
This came to Australia recently and I saw it yesterday at the Museum. What a brilliant collection of images - there are some amazing photographers in the world :)