Back to the FutureTitanic
Raiders of the Lost Arc ( with Spielberg and Lucas)
Silence of the Lambs
Ghost Busters
Some Like it Hot ( with Tony Curtis and Marilyn Munro)
CITIZEN KANE~ Orson Welles directs with a broken ankle.
Léon: The Professional: Jean Reno on set.
Star Wars
Star Wars
The Muppets
The Shining
Nick Castle as Michael Myers enjoying a Dr Pepper on the set of Halloween, 1978
No optical printing system existed at the time, so to create a matte effect, a large mirror was placed at an angle to reflect a piece of artwork while live footage was projected onto the reverse. To expose the projected footage, the silvering on the back of the mirror had to be scraped off in strategically appropriate places. One mistake would ruin the whole mirror.
Planet of the Apes
Filmmaker Victor Fleming on the set of The Wizard of Oz
20001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
The Godfather
Terminator 2
Ridley Scott instructs the AlienStar Wars
Stuntman in Alien suit
Lord of the Rings
Charlie Chaplin in The GoldrushStar Wars
The Birds

2001: A Space Odyssey
Star Wars
Star Wars
Raiders of the Lost Arc
The Shining ( Jack Nicholson with Stanley Kubrick directing)
Once Upon a Time in the West
Godzilla (1954) Sake break
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) (Johnny Depp behind Freddie)
The Matrix (1999)
The famous “Bullet Time” sequence was originally going to be shot using fast moving dollies. However all of the dollies broke, forcing them to construct the shot digitally.
20,000 leagues Under The Sea
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Easy Rider

Independence Day
Star Wars ( Princess Leia and her stunt double sunbathing ~ The ultimate nerd fantasy )
"Hahahaha! Nerds will lose their minds when they see this picture!"
Brilliant stuff.. Amazing!